Training & Skills Development
Do you doubt your ability to successfully help clients with eating disorders?
Do you know the basics but want to take your skill and confidence to a higher level to achieve more long- lasting recovery for your clients?
How do you help clients understand and resolve the puzzling phenomena of body image distortion, the “feeling fat” which drives almost all eating issues?
What do you do when a client with anorexia nervosa keeps denying the seriousness of their condition and any attempt you make to confront this, is met with even more resistance and denial?
Do you want to learn how to easily and effectively motivate clients with all forms of eating disorders towards successful recovery?
I can deliver the following trainings and workshops to help you strengthen your knowledge and practice, so that you can skilfully and effectively help your clients to achieve long-lasting recovery.
WORKSHOPS: Tailored to meet your needs (No previous knowledge of eating disorders required)
Fundamental Principles of Eating Disorder Treatment: A Double Helix Approach
The Nature of Eating Disorders: Understanding & Working with Ambivalence & Resistance
Body Image Disturbance: Ways of Working to Enhance Body Acceptance in People with Eating Disorders
From Diet to Disorder: Up to a 5 Day Comprehensive Training for Community Mental Health Teams
Eating Disorders & Trauma: The Missing Piece of the Jigsaw – Introductory Workshop
Eating Disorder & Trauma: Masterclass – Understanding and Working with Dissociation
Ending the Internal Civil War: Parts Work with Eating Disorder Clients
What Do General Practitioners Need to Know About Eating Disorders?
How to Help Someone with Anorexia Face the Task of Eating
The Challenges of Recovery: Pro-Anorexia websites – Dying to Be Thin
If you'd like to find out more about my workshops or to book a place contact me here.
For EMDR Trained Clinicians
You will need to be at least part one EMDR trained with a recognised trainer to best make use of the following training:
Utilisation of EMDR in the Treatment of Eating Disorders
A Series of 4 Webinars of 2 hours:
The essentials
History taking, case conceptualisation & selecting most relevant targets
Eating disorder myths and blocking beliefs
Introduction to ego state/parts work in the treatment of eating disorders
Treatment of Eating Disorders Utilising EMDR and Ego State Therapy to Work with Defences & Avoidance
Treatment of Eating Disorders: Utilising the Addiction Protocols to Neutralise Urges and Inappropriate Positive Emotion
Pam has delivered trainings on eating disorders and/or body image issues to:
General Practitioners
Generic Community Mental Health Teams
Specialist Eating Disorder Services in England, and
If you would like Pam to put together an exciting and engaging bespoke training package to suit you and the needs of your organisation, please get in touch.
Local Authority Looked After Children’s Services
Voluntary Sector Clinical Teams
Social Care Organisations
Foster Carers
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Teams
EMDR Clinicians